Administration Department
The Administration Department is committed to providing quality service and support to our fellow Department members and to the citizens of Okeechobee. We perform a variety of services in the areas of budget management, information technology, legal research and training, personnel service, and logistical support. Each Division within the Administration Department provides specific community services to our members, both sworn and civilian, and to the citizens of Okeechobee. We are constantly striving to enhance and improve upon the quality and efficiency of the services that we provide.
The Administration Department consist of five divisions:
The Human Resources Division of the Sheriff's Department serves the agency in a broad variety of functions. Organizationally, our role is to enhance organizational performance through three functional levels.
Administrative- dealing with the processing work necessary to maintain formal documentation and compliance.
Operational- providing the formal operating methods and processes to accomplish recruiting, hiring, promotions, etc.
Strategic- consisting of policy development, forecasting, organizational development, internal communication, management effectiveness, and evaluation.
The Finance Division
The Finance Division is responsible for all of the Sheriff's Department finance functions including budgeting, grants, purchases and maintenance. The main functions of the this division is to strategically coordinate the department's finances. Preparation and monitoring of the Department's budget are a major responsibility. To view the current adopted fiscal year budget click here.
The Civil Division
The Civil Division is a state mandated service of the Sheriff's Office. Its purpose and function is to serve and execute the various legal processes issued not only by and for the several non-criminal courts of the state and its subdivisions, but also for the legal community and the general public. Departmental and divisional policies and procedures are consistent with Florida state and court case law. These policies are designed and developed to insure the accurate, expeditious, and judicious service and execution of all matters relating to civil process.
The Records and Traffic Division
The Records and Traffic Division is responsible for developing and maintaining law enforcement records required to transact the official business of the department.
The Information Technology Division
The Information Technology Division is responsible for meeting present and future challenges of information technology, and developing, delivering and supporting technology throughout the Department. The Infromation Technology Division is also responsible for critical technological development, systems modification, network enhancement and operational support to ensure expenditures and resources are fully utilized.
Mailing Address:
Post Office Drawer 1397
Okeechobee, Florida 37973-1397
Shipping Address:
504 North West 4th Street
Okeechobee, Florida 34972-2502
Phone#: (863) 763-3117
Fax#: (863) 763-6366
Offices & Extensions
Civil Division--5028 / 5029
Public Records-- 5027/ 5203
Communications-- 5005/ 5006/ 5007/ 5008
Sheriff-- 5022
Accounts Receivable, Payable and Payroll-- 5024/ 5025
Undersheriff-- 5021
Human Resource--5023
Uniform Crime Reporting-- 5029
Information Technology--5050/ 5051
Warrants-- 5031
Juvenile Records--5027