In tribute to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, please take a moment to read the message below: Always remember: Patrolman Wilbert...

OCSO's own We miss you Skip! In tribute to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, please take a moment to read the message below: ...

Florida Sheriff's Association
Go Visit - https://www.facebook.com/floridasheriffsassociation/videos/1308421519202262/ , for updates on Florida's Law Enforcement

Go Vote
It's a beautiful morning. Get out and VOTE AMERICA can be great again!

Zika Update
Attached is today’s Zika update. There are three new travel related cases today with one in Miami-Dade County and two involving pregnant...

Help Locate
2005 Honda Blackmax 6750-8450 Generator Red and black On Wheels with handles; missing rubber grip on one handle If you have recently...

Holiday Spirit
Dispatchers are getting in the fall/Holiday spirit as shown with their beautiful tree decorated by Cpl. Liz Kelly.

In tribute to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, please take a moment to read the message below: Always remember: Deputy Sheriff...