Today was Hero Day at Everglades Elementary. Cpl. Michael Hazellief and Deputy Jack Nash had the pleasure of reading to two first grade...

Blessings multiply when you start counting them! AMEN! Have a great day Michele Bell, PIO
In Tribute...
In tribute to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, please take a moment to read the message below: Always remember: Deputy Sheriff...

The kind words that you speak throughout the day are a gift to others and to yourself. Your words may change someone’s life for the...

Cpl. Gray and K9 Remi and K9 Mick
Cpl. Kristin Gray and K9 Mick give a demo for the children.( Det. Leland Schoonmaker and D/S Matt Crawford in foreground)
In Tribute...
In tribute to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, please take a moment to read the message below: Always remember: Detective Roger...

There are so many ways to make this a great day! Today you can say yes to something that makes you happy and no to something that does...
In Tribute...
In tribute to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, please take a moment to read the message below: Always remember: Deputy Sheriff...

Thursday Smile!
“Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles.” (George Eliot) Smile, and someone else will too! Happy Thursday! Michele...

The wait is over. There’s something you’ve been longing for. Something important that may have been postponed or set aside. Something...