The trick is to enjoy your life today. Don’t wish it away by waiting for better days ahead… Have a wonderful weekend! Michele Bell, PIO

Stop focusing on how stressed you are and remember how blessed you are. It could be so much worse… Have a Terrific Thursday! Michele...

Aren't you thankful...
So thankful to live in Okeechobee! This is a little story that will make you say the same thing… Sheriff Noel E. Stephen received a phone...

2018 19th Judicial Circuit Crime Victims' Rights Week
Crime Victims’ Rights Week is observed and commemorated this year, April 8-14, 2018. This year’s theme is—Expand the Circle: Reach All...

The Sheriff’s Office received a call from an anonymous citizen that wanted to show their appreciation and support of law enforcement and...

ACTIVE WARRANTS: 4/1/18 Armed Robbery, Circle K, 3761 Hwy 441 North Dwan Sharrod Marshall B/M; DOB: 09/21/1975; approx.. 5’11”; approx.....

Powers above
Live simply; love generously; speak truthfully; breathe deeply; do your best; leave everything else to the powers above you… Have an...

When you smile about the life you live, you end up living a life worth smiling about… It’s a beautiful Tuesday morning, have a great day...

Happy Monday
It is not what happens to you, but how you respond to what happens to you. Count your blessings while others are adding up their...