No shadow
Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow… Have a Terrific Thursday! Michele Bell, PIO

STOLEN BACKHOE Stolen on 4/6/18 Caterpillar Backhoe 416E, Serial SHA01463 Has Sweat Company stickers painted on sides If you have any...

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference… Hope you have a lovely Wednesday! Michele Bell, PIO

Jenny and Samantha
Do you remember the story of the little female puppy that was thrown over the fence at Animal Control in January, 2017? Nalas New Life...

Every year Rock Solid Christian Academy has a book fair. The theme for this year’s fair was “PETS”. The students held a fundraiser and...

Thank you
Lt. Randy Thomas and Community Liaison Deputy Jack Nash present COP Volunteer Lt. Pat Lorenczi with her 2018 Volunteer of the Quarter...

Chipper Tuesday
Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results… Have a Chipper Tuesday! Michele Bell, PIO