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Trick or treat


Here are a few tips to prepare parents and make fun for everyone.

*Encourage the kids to use facial make-up instead of a mask

*Spend the extra dollar and purchase quality make-up. You don’t want your kid to have that same look weeks later

*If possible, design the costume to accommodate a sweater or even a jacket underneath depending on the weather

*Make sure that all costumes and accessories are flame resistant

*Keep in mind how much walking they’ll be doing for their age. You don’t want to have to carry your little ghoul home

*Carry extra bags to empty candy in so the kids don’t get overly tired

*If you have more than one child to supervise, try bringing a wagon or cart to unload the candy in as they go door to door

*If you’re taking other kids with you, set out the rules before you leave and make sure they understand

*For young children, Halloween night is one of the best of the year. But trick-or-treating can be dangerous if kids and parents aren’t careful. Take a look at some vital trick-or-treating tips before you accompany your child.

*Plan a route in advance. Trick-or-treating could take you several streets away from your house, which can cause sore legs and a bit of frustration. Avoid long paths by mapping out a route before leaving the house. Stick to paths that you and your child are familiar with to avoid getting lost.

*Wear comfy shoes. Make sure you and your children are in comfortable, well-fitting shoes. Girls in dresses should avoid heels, and all shoelaces should be double-tied to avoid tripping in the dark.

The Okeechobee County Sheriff’s Office recommends that all children be done trick-or-treating by 9:00 p.m. Remember to turn on your porch light during trick-or-treat hours. Many communities now ask that participating households do this and ask trick-or-treaters to only visit these homes or those decorated for Halloween. Have fun & be safe!

Michele Bell, PIO

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