Every year Rock Solid Christian Academy has a book fair. The theme for this year’s fair was “PETS”. The students held a fundraiser and decided they wanted the animals at animal control to reap the benefits. Teachers Beth White, TJ Lookabill, Candace Jaquith, Crystal Rawls, Glenda Hardaker, Ronnie Cauley and Erica Tijerina and their three year olds and VPK four year olds collected items the week of April 23-27. The children brought in blankets, towels, pet food, pet toys and rolled change.
On behalf of Sheriff Noel E. Stephen and everyone at Animal Control, I thank you for all the items for the animals in our shelter. Your commitment to the health, safety and welfare of the pets is sincerely appreciated.
Thank you again for helping to give Okeechobee’s homeless and abandoned animals the care and compassion they deserve.
Michele Bell, PIO
(pictured are the 3-year olds and 4-year olds; Animal Control Officer Jarred Raulerson, Sgt. Arlene Durbin and Teacher Candace Jaquith along with all the items collected)