
The Citizens on Patrol (COP) has been credited numerous times with being a primary factor in decreasing crimes such as theft, burglaries and auto theft. COP’s provide a visible presence in the community while fostering partnerships with local businesses and residential areas, to identify and expand opportunities to deter criminal activity and reduce crime. Now, with over 30 members, the Citizens on Patrol Program is making a positive impact in Okeechobee County. Members help to deter crime by patrolling in their cars and on foot patrol. On Sunday, May 20, 208 at approximately 10:53 am, COP’s Jim and Beverly McVeigh were conducting house checks in the area of Oasis Village. The McVeigh’s noticed an unfamiliar vehicle at one of the residences. They spoke with the driver of the vehicle who gave them a story that they knew to be false. They documented the description of the suspect, the description of the vehicle and the tag, took pictures of the vehicle and contacted OCSO dispatch.
Deputies arrived and retrieved the information from the McVeigh’s and subsequently a suspect was arrested and charged with Burglary.
Sheriff Noel E. Stephen stated, “These men and women provide an extension of our eyes and ears that we otherwise could not afford. This is an excellent example of “Great Teamwork”!!! I appreciate the job done by all my men and women, both paid and volunteers, to making our community better each and every day!!!!”
Thanks for a job well done!
Michele Bell, PIO
(pictured: Deputy Jack Nash, Betty and Jim McVeigh)