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Date: May 25, 2018

Contact: Debra Engle, CEO (772) 489-4726

Free Mental Health Awareness Education at IRSC May 30

Suncoast Mental Health Center and IRSC are hosting their 4th annual Brown Bag Lectures on mental illness in our community during Mental Health Awareness Month.

Suncoast Mental Health Center and Indian River State College will once again host the popular Brown Bag Lectures on May 30, 2018 at the main campus in the Koblegard Student Union from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. The community, students, mental and behavioral health professionals and others interested in this topic are encouraged to attend. A campus map may be found by visiting

For the last 4 years the organizations have teamed up during Mental Health Awareness Month, May, to offer the lectures. Designed to fit during a lunch hour, each presentation – including from Dr. Bryan Reuther Human Services professor at IRSC and Sharmaine LaFleur a Suncoast staffer who will guide participants through an imagery exercise helpful in reducing anxiety, and Dr. Robin Zide, Education professor at IRSC – participants will find an up to date schedule of the day’s agenda by visiting the Suncoast website or the event’s Facebook page with presentations ending promptly at 1:00 p.m. A certificate of attendance will be provided.

Debra Engle, CEO at Suncoast shared, “We are so grateful to IRSC, Dr. Patty Corey at the Health and Wellness Center there, Dr. Reuther and the Human Services department, Dr. Doak and the Nursing Students, and everyone instrumental in making this program a success. By success, we mean we are breaking down stigma associated with mental illnesses and educating, person by person, our community. We know these open forum talks can absolutely save a life”. Topics include those mental illnesses and challenges often seen in college aged students and ways to cope with situational anxiety and depression.

If you are interested in learning more about the Brown Bag Lectures, find the Facebook event or the Suncoast Mental Health Center website, Please call 772-489-4726 for more details.

Suncoast Mental Health Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit approved by the Joint Commission. Suncoast was established 20 years ago in St Lucie County by 3 clinicians who recognized a need for services in their community. Since then, Suncoast Mental Health Center has expanded to four Treasure Coast counties currently serving more than 1,400 clients. Additional information may be found at

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