Deputies recognized

Lt. Shane Snyder recognized two deputies for their lifesaving efforts.
Lt. Snyder stated, “On 5-11-18, D/S Robert Feldman responded to a call involving a female subject that was found face down in her bathtub filled with water, not breathing. The victim was found by her husband, who then called 911 for assistance.
When D/S Feldman arrived the victim had no pulse or heartbeat. D/S Feldman removed the victim from the bathtub and began CPR. Cpl. K. Gray arrived immediately after D/S Feldman and took over the duties of performing CPR on the victim. The deputies continued performing CPR until medics from Okeechobee County Fire Rescue arrived. When they arrived, EMS personnel were able to utilize a Lucas machine to take over chest compressions and the victim's pulse returned. The victim was then transported to Raulerson Hospital for further treatment. Unfortunately on 5-12-18, the victim passed away but due to the actions of these two deputies, her family was able to be with her while she was still alive. Their quick response provided that little bit of time the family would so desperately need in order to be with the victim in her final hours.
Cpl. Gray and Deputy Feldman did not hesitate in their response to the crisis and exemplified what law enforcement stands for, which is to serve and protect.”
Deputy Feldman, now an SRO at South Elementary School, was presented his award by Principal Emily Strellman, along with Sgt. Mark Roberts, Cpl. Cari Arnold and Lt. Randy Thomas.
Michele Bell, PIO