The 2018 National “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” is an effort to raise awareness about the dangers of impaired driving through a combination of high-visibility enforcement and public education.
The campaign will be from Wednesday, December 12 through Tuesday, January 1, 2019. The Okeechobee County Sheriff’s Office will conduct concentrated patrols looking for motorists who may be driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs. One of the deadliest and most often committed - yet preventable - of crimes (drunk driving), has become a serious safety epidemic in our country.
Social responsibility…this phrase encompasses everything from planning the party menu to assessing how guests will get home safely once the part is over. Your role as a responsible party host can keep your friends and loved ones safe.
What Every Host Needs to Know
*Don’t rely on coffee to sober up your guests. Only time can make someone sober.
*Beer and wine are just as intoxicating as hard liquor. A 12-ounce can of beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine, a 12-ounce wine cooler and an ounce and a half of liquor contact the same amount of alcohol
*Don’t rely on someone’s physical appearance to determine if he or she has had too much to drink
*Mixers won’t help dilute alcohol. Carbonated mixers like club soda or tonic water cause alcohol to be absorbed into a person’s system more quickly. Fruit juice and other sweet mixers mask the taste of alcohol and may cause people to drink more
Michele Bell, PIO